Directors and Officers Insurance (D&O)

Being a manager in a company exposes you to significant risk. With rising premiums, it’s our role to find you the right D&O Insurance for your particular situation. Whether you’re in a private, public or soon-to-be-public company, we have a depth of experience in helping managers find necessary protection. Call us on 1300 400 707 or fill in the form to find out more.


How do you know if the Directors and Officers Insurance packages being marketed to you are the right fit for your needs? As an award-winning, fully licensed AFSL insurance brokerage, we work for you, not the insurers. We help directors, managers, executives, investors, business leaders, creditors, officers and more access the right policies for their needs and budget.

Similarly, if you feel over insured, we work with clients to strategise around the rising costs of D&O Insurance premiums.

We are award-winning Corporate Insurance specialists

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best business insurance broker
niba award
business insurance broker-niba award
2021 Advisr business insurance broker top thought leader award
2020 top insurance broker medal given by Advisr
QLD 2020 top insurance broker medal
directors insurance

What is D&O insurance?

At a glance, D&O Insurance can protect you and/or your company’s leaders and private assets from claims that arise as a result of decisions made during their duties.

The right D&O Insurance policies can protect you from:

Claims made as a result of allegations of wrongful acts

Financial costs as a result of reputational damage

Financial consequences if your company goes under

Mismanagement of process

Corporate manslaughter

Failures to comply with government regulation and laws


Financial costs as a result of property damage

Allegations of fraud and company misrepresentation

Issues with mergers and acquisitions

Failures to comply with government regulation and laws

Settlements as a result of litigation

Claims made by competitors

Claims made by the company itself

Interest and costs awarded against director/s

Claims made as a result of reporting errors

Financial damages on private assets as a result of litigation

The importance of a Directors and Officers Insurance broker

It is important to invest in D&O Insurance policies that are most applicable to you and the current size and structure of your company. A quick purchase of a ‘cookie cutter’ insurance solution that may be marketed to you could spell disastrous consequences for yourself, your company and your assets should events turn for the worse.

As AFSL licensed insurance brokers, we are regularly audited to ensure that we offer an exceptional level of service and integrity. We also have the expertise required to provide high level advisory for publicly listed companies and processes such as IPOs.

As your broker, we use our extensive experience and international insurer networks to find policies and innovative insurance solutions not common in the Australian market, especially when it comes to D&O insurance. We work with our clients to navigate around the rising costs of insurance premiums and we also negotiate claims on your behalf.

Crucial for IPOs and publicly listed companies

Having the right D&O Insurance in place is important for any leader, especially for those in the process of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) or are already running publicly listed companies.

Your risks are magnified when running a public company or undergoing an IPO. In a complex environment, just one mistake made by any of the leadership team can greatly impact other stakeholders of the company. D&O Insurance can help you pay for the legal costs associated with any damages as a result of negligent actions.

As multi-award-winning business insurance brokers, we have experience in working with companies in all stages of the IPO process. Whether you’re in the early stages of an IPO or are now running a publicly listed company, we have the expertise, insurer networks and infrastructure in place to help you achieve favourable D&O insurance outcomes.

Also recommended: IPO Insurance.

dno insurance - who can it cover

Who can D&O Insurance cover?

Depending on your policy, D&O Insurance can provide protection to:

Past, present and future directors and officers

Non-executive directors

Company secretary

Employees in a managerial or supervisory capacity

The supervisory board

Your company and its employees

D&O Insurance can also be important for non-for-profit organisations, which are often managed by a board of directors.

directors and officers insurance - office

Types of D&O Insurance

In this current market, a typical D&O Insurance policy contains the following three agreements:


Side A
Side A covers Directors Liability for liabilities and legal defence costs arising from wrongful acts in their capacity as directors or officers.


Side B
Side B is for Company Reimbursement of Directors Liability where the company is liable to indemnify directors such as under a Deed of Indemnity.


Side C 
Side C is for claims arising from public trading of securities such as securities market conduct breaches.

Directors and Officers Insurance: The Crucial Insurance Advantage

In today’s market, there are several challenges to finding the right D&O Insurance cover. Companies are not only faced with the rising costs of premiums but also the limitations of what can be covered.

When it comes to the D&O Insurance agreements listed above, Side A & B are the more traditional forms of cover offered under standard Directors & Officers Liability insurance. Side C is much more difficult to obtain with very few underwriters prepared to offer this form of coverage. Side C premiums are very expensive and self-retention limits six figures and above.

As brokers with experience with D&O Insurance, we are able to help our clients access the more difficult forms of coverage to ensure the most appropriate protection, as well as work with them to counter rising costs.

Investment Manager's Insurance Australia

About Our Managing Director

Tony Venning’s experience includes board level representation with major international broking firms, such as senior executive positions in London, Sydney and Melbourne.

His insurance broking experience extends to working with high profile organisations such as the AFL and Cricket Australia and multi-national organisations with global exposures, including publicly listed organisations and companies undergoing an IPO. One of his key achievements includes resolving the public liability crisis sports organisations faced following the collapse of HIH. More recently, he has assisted several companies navigate their way through the current D&O insurance crisis facing public companies, in particular those undertaking an Initial Public Offering (IPO).

Tony enjoys very strong relationships with the major Australian-based insurance companies and overseas markets, including Lloyd’s. Through these relationships he has developed innovative insurance products and services that provide clients with real benefits.

D&O Insurance: further reading

Be equipped with D&O Insurance most suitable to your situation. Contact us to speak to an experienced D&O expert today.