A comprehensive commercial motor insurance policy provides flexible motor vehicle insurance. Coverage extends to include cover for your own vehicle as well as Third Party Liability for injury or property damage arising out of the use of your vehicle.
A well designed commercial motor insurance policy will include benefits which take the hassle out of managing your fleet insurance so you can get on with managing your business.
Any business who operates multiple vehicles to run their day to day business activities should consider the benefits of a Commercial Motor Insurance policy. This can range from transport companies and tradies through to fleets of sales representatives. With Commerical Motor Fleet Insurance there is a range of benefits available which make managing your fleet insurance easier.
A Commercial Motor Insurance policy will provide cover under 2 sections. The first section of cover will be damage caused to your vehicle. The second section of cover will be for damage caused to other people or parties which arise out of the use of your vehicle.
When we compare commercial motor insurance quotes we look for motor insurance insurers who can provide the following benefits to our clients:
Commercial Motor Fleet operators should also pay close attention to ensure you understand any radius limits imposed on your motor fleet insurance policy. For goods carrying vehicles in excess of 5 tonnes, some insurers impose a radius limit. It's important you are aware as the increased excess of operating outside these radius limits can be substantial.
Commercial Motor Vehicle Insurance does not cover:
To get a quote that provides you with the right cover it's important you speak with a Comemrcial Motor Insurance expert who can advise you how best to design your Motor Fleet Insurance Package.